格勒诺布尔高等商学院 GEM
Ranked 40th in the ranking of European business schools
About the school: GEM has a long history and is located in Grenoble, the city of science and technology. It has won the European Green Capital Award and has accumulated rich expertise in technology management and innovation. This groundbreaking focus enables the school to expand its areas of research and teaching expertise in digital media, health, energy, entrepreneurship, the sharing economy and geopolitics. As an Higher Education Consular School affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Grenoble, GEM is a founding member of the Grenoble Innovation Park GIANT. GEM is accredited by three major organizations: AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA, and consistently ranks high in teaching quality rankings from renowned international business newspapers.
Official website : https://en.grenoble-em.com/